Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Task 10.3

Saving energy doesn't always take days of planning. There are many things you can do right now to start saving energy and cutting down on costs.

Top 10 Tips for Saving Energy Right Now

1.Drying dishes
Air dry dishes rather than using the heated drying cycle.

2.Don't Leave Things Turned On
-Turn off the TV when no one is watching it. The same goes for computers, radios and stereos - if no one using it, turn it off.

3.In the Bathroom
-Drippy faucets are bad, too.
A faucet that leaks enough water to fill a soda bottle every 30 minutes will waste 2,192 gallons of water a year. (internet info)

-About 75 percent of the water we use in our homes is used in the bathroom. Unless you have a low flush toilet, for example, you use about five gallons to seven gallons of water with every flush! A leaky toilet can waste more than 10,000 gallons of water a year. Wow!

4.In the Kitchen
-A load of dishes cleaned in a dishwasher uses 37 percent less water than washing dishes by hand! However, if you fill up one side of the sink with soapy water and the other side with rinse water - and if you don't let the faucet run - you'll use half as much water as a dishwasher does. Doing the dishes this way can save enough water for a five-minute shower!

5.Look for the Energy Star Label
Buy products that have the Energy Star label on them. All Energy Star products meet strict guidelines set by the US Department of Energy.

6.Take Showers
Take short showers instead of baths. The amount of water used, and heated is significantly less for a shower.

7.Setting Your Thermostat
Install a programmable thermostat compatible with your heating and cooling system. Make sure to set it comfortably low in the winter and comfortably high in the summer.

8. Using Power Strips
Plug your electronics into power strips. When turning off these electronics, power down using the power strip to prevent stand-by mode from drawing electricity unnecessarily.

9.Washing in Cold Water
Wash clothes in cold water. This not only reduces hot water usage, but it is better for your clothing as well.
10.School. Computer.
Don't give children homework,let them save energy!
Less computer( blog for. ex.) more fresh air.

(almost 200 words)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Wesminster Abbey

1. Who built Wesminster Abbey?
2. Wesminster was the third seat of learning in England. Name the other two.
3. How was Wesminster Abbey first called?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Kristina Šmigun

Kristina Šmigun
Born in Tartu.February 23, 1977
Kristina is a Estonian cross-country skier. She and her sister Katrin Šmigun (who is also a skier) are daughters of the Russian Anatoli Šmigun and Estonian Rutt Rehemaa who were both prominent Nordic skiers. Kristina is coached by her father.

Olympic Games:
Gold 2006 - Turin - 10 km - classical
Gold 2006 - Turin - 7.5 km + 7.5 km - double pursuit

World Championships
Gold 2003 - Val di Fiemme 5 km + 5 km double pursuit
Silver 2003 - Val di Fiemme 10 km
Silver 2003 - Val di Fiemme 15 km
Silver 1999 - Ramsau 15 km
Bronze 2003 - Val di Fiemme 30 km
Bronze 1999 - Ramsau 30 km

On 12.02.06 she won the Winter Olympics gold medal for the 7.5 km + 7.5 km double pursuit, becoming the first Estonian woman to win a medal at the Winter Olympics. Four days later, she won a second gold medal in the 10 km classical.

Šmigun has also found success at the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships, earning six medals. This included one gold (2003: 5 km + 5 km double pursuit), three silvers (1999: 15 km, 2003: 10 km, 15 km), and two bronzes (1999, 2003: both in 30 km).

Monday, March 2, 2009

Tsk 6

INGREDIENTS: milk, eggs, flour, raspberry jam, marple syrup, chocolate butter, lemon.

Take a bowl.Break up four eggs.After add 500 ml of milk. Mix it up. The add flour. Mix it up again. Then take a pan and warm it. Next put some butter on the pan and wait fo 1-2 minutes. Then invert it and wait 1 minute again. After lay your pancake on a plate. And make it so with all the oder ones. We can make them more sweether. Spread your pancakes with raspberry jam, marple syrop, chocolate butter or lemon. Your pancakes are ready!
You must taste it! Do it!
Have a nice meal!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Что я узнала в музее зравоохранения. Топ 10

1. В Эстонии имеется стеклянная женщина. Таких в мире сделали немцы только 3экземпляра ,и одна из них в нашем музее. Интересно было смотреть так,ежели на картинку в учебнике (Узнала как нормально,где и как находится любой орган.
2.В теле человека более 200000 видов клеток.
3.Ребенок наркомана или пьющего человека(тобиш когда женщина беремена) сильно отличается от нормального человека.Вывод: Ненадо курить,пить.Вредит не только себе,но и ребенку.
4.В нашем организме 5 литров крови.
5.Раньше делали имлонтанты из воска.
6.В средние века лечение зубов сильно отличается от сегодняшнего. Там не было замарозки,чтоб человек не чувствовал боль и т.д.,а просто сразу выдергивали.
7.В средние века люди вообще не мылись(заболевали быстрее),не причесывались (был показан клок волос,который не мыли лет ~15)и не чистили зубы. В следствии чего жили не долго.
8.Желчный пузырь вырабатывает 1 литр желчи за сутки
9.Почки являются "филтором" для человека
10.Игра: Как свет действует на зрачек. Интересно было смотреть не на тот глаз,на который падает свет,на тот который был в нормальном состояние. Когда уменьшался зрачек одного глаза,второй дергнулся и принял среднее положение..Странно..

Monday, February 16, 2009

A wonderful melody..

Valentin's day is special this year for me. It is not like all the other ones,because..
My morning started with making heath shaped cookies. Mum had a smile on her face. She was so glad that I finally started cooking..
After i went outside,to the store, to find some gifts,but I failed. In one hour I visited 5-6 shops and NOTHING! So i Had they idea,that my present will be the cookies that a made. I found a heath shaped cookie jar and put the cookies there.And there it was,the answer to My problem.Happy..
I got pilot Gogol's and a adorable squealer for a gift - original gift!
Before going for a walk,we visited our sick friend.Gave her a doggy with a heath in his mouth (puppet) for Valentin's Day.She was happy,that nice)
So after 2-3 hours i got home.Lunched and went for a second walk..I got late,because i ran to the store again to buy some chocolate for my friend Mum.She is a really awesome person..So we went for a walk and i had a really good time..
The Day end and so my energy too. A glass of milk and some cookies..Closing my eyes and starting to see a sweet dream..

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Task 3

It was in december..
Looking out side the window we can see that the temperature is below zero. It is snowing.Every tree and every house is white.People are wearing now warm clothes.
Children have much fun in this time of the yaer. They can play lots of games. making snowmans,playing snowballs,hockey and etc.
The traffic now is now difficult,because all the rodes are covored in snow. But is not a big problem,people with special profession,wich will clean.
Morning. A lot of people are going to work now. Adult are glad that there is now blizzard,just snowing a bit. Children a not so happy,'cause the must now sit in school and learn. But still,kid's are happy,because they know that,that this is the last day of school.
(137 words)

Task 4